Sunday, June 30, 2013

Small Steps Lead To Big Health!

Hey, Blog Friends.  Have you figured out this home girl never shuts up!  I just REALLY believe in all of this stuff and want you to live life to its fullest all natural also!! 

Okay, here are the first of many small steps to follow to convert your life to a more natural one. 

So, I have already asked you to stay away from:
  • Corn Syrup and Agave (the processing of Agave turns it into a substance very similar to Corn Syrup-Uncle Russ)
  • Artificial Colors - NEVER Caramel Color!  It is corn syrup that is quickly heated and at a specific temperature petroleum is added and voila Caramel Color.  YUMMY, huh!?!?!?!?  An extremely cheap way to artificial color the crap out of food.  You might as well drink a glass of gas!  (We use the term "God Made" in our family when we are determining if a color is real or fake.  It helps the kids buy-in, connect to the process.  You use whatever works for your family.)
  • Artificial Sweeteners - Diet sweeteners in the pink, yellow, blue, green or other little packets – (poison in a packet-Uncle Russ)
  • Artificial Flavors (vanillin or anything preceded by artificial or imitation)
  • Artificial Preservatives (BHT and TBHQ in addition to others.  If it says "a natural preservative" next to the ingredient, chances are it is better than the others) Remember: Baby Steps!
Here are four more items to add to your List of Products to AVOID...
  • Sodas, regular or diet (fattening, heart unhealthy-Uncle Russ) We use Sierra Mist all natural as an occasional treat.
  • Soft Plastic Bottled Water (harmful chemical called BPA in the plastic that gets into the water-Uncle Russ)  I haven't used bottle water for a long time!  I think it removes too much including healthful bacteria!
  • Excessive “Table” Salt (heart and blood pressure damaging-Uncle Russ) - this has always been a normal every day policy to follow.  Watch the sodium content and don't over salt.  You do not need to replace, just use it in moderation.  Use other spices also, in combination, it makes other things taste GREAT (including sweets.)
  • Mainstream Energy Drinks (heart damaging, central nervous system damaging-Uncle Russ) I have never participated in these beverages, I believe they are a heart attack in a bottle.  And, extremely addicting.  Coffee as well.  Zija SuperMix supplement will quell  your coffee cravings, but if you have a habit you cannot or do not want to break, replace with the Zija energy drink.  Get healthful nutrients and a little zing in your step while enjoying a super yummy drink.
I TRULY want to be your partner in going all natural!  All of the things I have talked about so far are things we as a family are already doing and that are working for us!  Soon, I will be in the same boat as you, adding more to my list of do NOT'S.  And, I will start sharing more of my do's, so it is more easy for you to do too!  Please email me with questions! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is that Product?

So, I have been rambling on about the Zija product and haven't told you much about it! You know that my sweet youngest son has ADHD, which started us using Zija.  Well, I have old, overwhelmed, overweight mommy syndrome and I have found my solution in Zija!  Hands down, without a doubt, I am a Zija user for life!  When I have reached my goal weight, I will not take the weight management supplements any more, and just stay with the nutrition supplement as my daily vitamin same as my son.

What Zija is doing for my nine year old son with ADHD:
Less Anxiety

Nutrients that he doesn't get because he eats a very slim variety of food
Positive Energy (not the hyperactive type we are used to)
Controlling side effects of Adderall ADHD medication (he is NOT experiencing any added anxiety, temper tantrums, added depression or loss of appetite-as a matter of fact he wants to eat and is asking for better food)

What Zija is doing for me, 42 year old mother of teenager and child with ADHD without enough time in the day to balance everything:
Less Anxiety
More Patience
Sexual Desire (I got this 2 hours after taking my first dose and had to wait all day to get home to my hubby!)
Drastic and Continuous Weight Loss
Desire to Exercise (I am pretty super busy and exercise is not usually on my mind after running around all day.  Tonight, I couldn't not exercise!)
Allergy Relief
Pain Relief
PMS Relief!!!
Detox (I can feel it and am experiencing it)
Smaller Appetite
Not Thinking About Food ALL DAY!
Hearing My Full Signal
Craving Good-For-Me Foods (like carrots, strawberries and bananas. I don't have a choice, I have to eat them. I am a firm believer that our bodies speak to us, when it needs something it will tell. The challenge is being able to hear what your body is saying.)

Overall, I absolutely LOVE knowing that I am getting complete nutrition without having to keep up with it in the foods I eat.  With Zija I am taking a 100% natural supplement, completely raw making it 100% absorbable and has no fillers.  Zija is the ONLY company using organic moringa oleifera, know as nature’s “miracle tree,” that they grow themselves! It’s packed with 90+ verifiable, cell-ready vitamins, minerals, vital proteins, antioxidants, omega oils, and other benefits. Zija uses the ENTIRE plant as each part provides a different benefit creating a comprehensively unique and better product for your health.  It is super easy to prepare with cold water in the shaker bottle you get with your order and tastes great.  I prepare three at once, in the same bottle, and just dole it out to my family then drink what is left.

I have quite a few pounds to lose so I am following a stepped up weight loss plan morning, noon and before bed.  It is so easy, which prevents me from forgetting any of the steps each day.  I have lost 5 pounds and 3 inches in 3 days.

In your Zija account there is also a weight loss planner.  When you first log in to this tool it asks you for your age, weight, waist measurement and goal weight - then calculates your daily calorie intake to guide you.  You can also log food consumption by meals and it gives you calories, similar to Weight Watchers, making it super easy to stay on track.  My appetite has changed so much I can't seem to spend all of my allotted daily calories because the foods I am craving have so few and because I can hear and I am listening to my full signal.

Zija is simply amazing!

There are three ways to be apart of this... 1. buying product at full retail or 2. becoming a distributor so you can buy product at discount OR earn it FREE every month.  When you become a distributor you can also 3. receive your product FREE and EARN money by sharing this amazing product with all of the people you know and especially the ones you love because you will want them to experience the same amazing results as you!

I am on a mission to get as many people healthy as I can.  And, if that means putting several selfish, money mongering, poison selling companies like McDonald's, Kellogg's and Coke out of business along the way, then so be it.

Please check out my Zija website to read about the benefits.  Feel free to research the Zija company and moringa oleifera!  I did and cannot find one single negative, hence joining to get my product FREE.  And, again, I truly want to be your partner in your healthy journey, so email me any questions!  Include your phone number in your correspondence.

Happy Researching!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Examples of Food

Now about the actual foods to be consumed on the Superman Diet.  My son, who has ADHD, eats the same food as other people, just different brands.  He CAN eat Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar cheese flavored chips, but not Doritos.  Sun Chips does not use artificial flavors and colors, Doritos uses artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.  He CAN drink Sierra Mist, but not Sprite.  He can eat the red licorice from Trader Joe's, but not Twizzlers.  There is a relatively new brand of candy bars on the market that emulates Snickers, M&Ms, Three Musketeers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, it is called Unreal.  It is all natural and tastes very good, very close to the junk candy and close in cost.  However, because it is all natural, it doesn't have the same shelf life as the name brands.  HUM, neither do fruits, veggies, raw meat, etc (see the similarities!?!?!)  Please check out this great new product.

Other brands that I feed my family are:

Zija is a raw, whole food, 100% natural, super food supplement that I started using for my son (and myself-pounds are melting off!) within the last month.  I am seeing amazing results for him!  I replaced his liquid vitamin with this because he is an extremely picky eater, (we call it the white diet-mashed potatoes, white bread, white rice, white noodles, granny smith apples, white cheese, plain potato chips, gold fish, peach yogurt, peanut butter and strawberry jelly, occasionally cheese pizza or hot dogs and not much else) missing out on tons of nutrients.  Zija is a complete nutrient that is 100% absorbable (unlike most vitamins that mostly pass through.)  Zija is made from the Moringa tree; moringa oleifera is considered to be the most nutrient rich plants ever discovered!

Annie's, they do fruit snacks and crackers.  They taste great and don't have the artificials (that is my new term for the artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners and corn syrup.  You like?) You can find Annie's at Fresh and Easy and Target.

Good Earth does cookies and fruit snacks.  You can buy this brand at Home Goods.

Fresh and Easy and Trader Joe's brands are often pretty kryptonite free.  BUT, do not let that entice you to stop reading the labels!  FnEasy (have you seen their absurd new slogan/commercial?) uses caramel color in a lot of their chicken dishes.  (Just a little ditty on caramel color to tickle your brain... corn syrup is heated super hot and at just the right moment a drop of pretroleum is added and voila caramel color.  An EXTREMELY low cost and incredibly effective food coloring used by MANY food manufacturers to cut costs and add poison to your food!)  Trader Joe's uses corn syrup in many of their brands.

Am I trying to scare you?  Not exactly.  Do I hope that you are frightened into making changes in your and your family's diet by what you are reading?  YES!  We cannot continue to let someone else make the choices regarding our health because they are getting lazy, trying to save money and getting fat and happy off the paychecks.  PLEASE educate yourself and make a change.  This is the only way to say "NO MORE!"  You DO have a choice.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Woke up in yet another awesome mood today!  Although yesterday was quite an eye opener with my son having a major anxiety attack at school.  I guess I just didn't know what anxiety really looked like until that happened.  All the more reason to continue on my quest to regulate and balance his body so it can work better.  This is his third day back on Zija and I was able to again see a little more calm in his demeanor, twinkle in his eyes and a desire to have fun.  I will never take him off of Zija again. 

The challenge will be what happens when he is old enough to make the decision to take Zija or not on his own.  This is a big reason why I keep him on the Superman Diet (this is a loose version of the Feingold diet), regardless that he is becoming more regulated with medication and Zija

I am VERY MUCH about habit formation and there are numerous studies that show that having a child (the earlier the better) make diet decisions, will help them make better choices later.  Especially children with decision making conflicts like ADHD, ODD, etc.  The studies show it helps them stay away from self damaging choices, as unfortunately these little human beings have a 70% higher chance of falling into addiction, bad relationships or committing suicide than a person that does not suffer a disorder.  Those are pretty staggering statistics, right!

This no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners and no corn syrup or caramel color diet is a totally doable thing and truly a small shift in your regular shopping.  Due to money issues, I shopped at Food 4 Less for a long time.  When I found out that this diet could (and DID!) help my son, I switched to Fresh and Easy.  Does Food for Less have products I can buy, YES.  Fresh&Easy just has many more!  And, with many more kryptonite free choices at F&E, it really reduces the temptation to buy food products that are not safe.  If you are shopping with your affected child, it also helps them not be tempted and it gives then the opportunity to look for other, safer options.  And, it really isn't that much more expensive in the end.

The last thing I can say about this is talk to your child.  Explain everything you are doing for him/her.  Just like most everything in life, your child needs buy in.  Especially when it comes to standing up for their cause.  Think about it this way... imagine you -today, adult you- are restricted from eating grapes.  You LOVE grapes, and you don't understand why you cannot eat them, you were simply just told to stay away from them.  Well, your significant other loves grapes too and he knows how much you love grapes so he offers you one.  You reply no thanks, but he continues to temp, sway them in front of your face and tell you how great they taste.  You would give in!  Now, imagine your same self as a 8 or 9 year old child and your best friend is doing the same thing at the lunch tables at school.  Only he is not taunting you with grapes, he's swinging a twinkie under your nose so you can smell it and now you remember what it tastes like.  All the other kids at the table are laughing and encouraging you to take it.  Would you say no if you didn't understand why you shouldn't have it?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Admittedly my family eat at fast food. :O( My husband is a midwest guy who loves fast food, soda, snack cakes, meat and potatoes. I recently attended a seminar on food, which certainly has my stomach turning.  Although I did extensive research to find out which restaurants have items not containing the ingredients we avoid (see superman diet post 06/19/13), those ingredient lists do not tell you where the meat comes from or that the fry oil often has BHT to extend the useful life of it, or anything else useful in determining where you might eat outside of your home. Then to find out what China is allowed to do to the pieces parts that they are allowed to export (even though their practices prevent them from sending whole product) was revolting!  No amount of Zija can save you from putting that poison in your body!

So, that said, fast food is another item on the list to abolish from our family routine this summer!

Remember, making these changes all at once will shock your system! It will be overwhelming, which will make it difficult to do and you WILL give up. It is like the tale of the tortoise and the hare - slow and steady wins the race (I am a librarian, I will reference books frequently). I have been doing this research and implementing these practices in our lives for two years! And, obviously I still don't have all the information, for God's sake I still feed my family fast food!

So, how do you implement change in your life? Start with the things that are tickling your brain. If you think you can handle removing all the artificial and your heart is tugging at you to do so, start there. Or, maybe you are an instant gratification kind of person, start with Zija, then keep coming back to Less Artificial to see what tickles your fancy next. One of the most awesome thing about Zija is it allows me to hear my body speaking to me. Literally! I can finally hear when my body needs sustenance, when it is full, when I am thirsty-not hungry. I can hear it asking for fruit and vegetables. Okay, here are two examples of listening to what a body is asking for... You know that kids on the playground who eats sand? He instinctually knows that he can replace the iron and zinc he is lacking by consuming it. Or, the pregnant lady who eats cigarette ashes? Somehow her body knows it can boost iron levels. Our bodies tell us everything it needs, we just need to be able to listen.

Please email me with questions! I truly want to be your partner in converting to a more natural life!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Day

OMGosh, woke up in the BEST mood this morning. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt happy!  I just feel compelled to share. So, I have been dabbling with Zija for the past month. It has been on the market for almost five years, and I cannot believe with all of the research I do that I had not come across it before. Anyway, I did the weight management system for 4 days last month. LOVED how I felt so I ordered the daily supplement to continue feeling good and I wanted to replace my son's daily vitamin with it so he could have the same vitality I received. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, and these little guys just do not get a good quality of life. We used it for about two weeks and I just couldn't make the financial commitment (all money in our house goes to spending time with the kids and aiding our little one with therapies, superman diet-which you'll hear about tomorrow-and the like). We were off Zija for seven days, man oh man was that a mistake...

The back story to this is we have had our son on a children's liquid vitamin for about nine months to help him find calm and avoid ADHD medication (otherwise know as street drugs!) It worked for a about six months in conjunction with a diet free of artificial additives (colors, sweeteners, preservatives, flavors) and corn syrup. His first four months of school in third grade were the best he had experienced yet. Until January when we finally found out his teacher had been trying to manage him without telling us or school admin everything that was going on and he ended up kicked out of his class and in homeschooling with me. Please remember he is NINE years old. What we determined with the help of his pediatrician was that the rigors of third grade just were too great for him to be able to manage his ADHD on diet, vitamin and behavior management alone. So, okay, with mounting pressure from doctors to put him on medication I finally caved two days before replacing his liquid vitamin with Zija. Putting it simply, we started Adderall (I hate admitting that!) and Zija at the same time.

Okay, now lets get back to this past week being off Zija. My problem with prescription medications are all of the possible side affects - weight loss, depression, suicidal thoughts, hearing voices that are not there, stunted growth, ticks, sleeplessness (not to mention the 60 other indications including death! Prescription medications average 70 sides affects each!!!) All things he is already experiencing as a child with ADHD, right!?! So, we thought GREAT he is not experiencing any of these sides affects, our luck was finally turning around! That was until three days ago I started noticing this exaggerated full body tick with his allergies. What is this? It sparked me to realize the appetite he had had for the past couple of weeks (asking for fruit-which he never does, wanting meat and not constantly pestering for cookies or ice cream) was gone! And, back were the sweet requests. Oh, and sleeping at night, not happening! Two nights ago he was up until 1130p!!! Which meant I was up until 1130p, making for a not so nice mommy yesterday!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What happened to our great luck to not have any side affects with the street drugs we were feeding our 9 year old?  ZIJA! Thank God I was feeling my old sluggish, grumpy, painful self and realized I just needed to jump in and do what was best for my family and myself!

Our full Zija package arrived last night and back on it we are this morning! I think my subconscious mind just knew that we would be back in good business again today and it was ready to be repaired! Hence the amazing mood I am in right now.  So, what I get from Zija is constructive energy, I can literally feel it! I get efficient and peaceful thoughts, which include NOT thinking about food every second! This is a huge problem for me! And, I will sleep well tonight, WOO-HOO! Can't wait!

So, thanks for letting me get it out, I appreciate your listening. I look forward to continuing to share our two years worth of going natural and hope you come back soon. Have a beautifully blessed day!
Summer, for us, officially starts next week so I will start this journey with some background... My son is 9 and in 3rd grade, soon to be in 4th.  He has always had difficulty at school and home.  Especially socially and emotionally.  For a long time we treated the situation as if he were a defiant child, until 1st grade when someone significant told us we should take him to his pediatrician for an LD (Learning Disability) evaluation.  That is when all hell broke loose.  At least we now knew that we weren't just awful parents (after all we had done this before with his four years senior brother!) and that hopefully there was a solution.

MANY evaluations, doctors appointments, phone calls, computer research hours and more later we have learned a ton about ADHD and what seems like nothing at all.  This past summer we were guided to follow a diet free from artificial colors (anything with a crayon color or number is off limits), flavors (vanillin), sweeteners (anything with a name that comes in a blue, pink or yellow packet), preservatives (BHT and TBHQ) and corn syrup.  It helps a lot, when he follows it (3rd grade is brutal and harsh on kids who don't just fit into the box.)  We call it the Superman Diet to encourage his buy in, we even call bad food kryptonite.  Don't be charmed by the possibility of an easy score just because it says "all natural" on the front of the package!  You MUST always turn the package over and read all ingredients.

I went to a conference just a couple weeks ago that discussed a lot of food issues, so we will be adding to our off limit foods list soon, I will post that additional list later.  But starting with the items above is a perfect place to begin your going natural food adventure!  Start in your own kitchen.  Pull everything off your shelves that contains any of the above ingredients and put it in a bag to be set out of sight-out of mind for at least six weeks.  If you don't experience exceptional changes within that time, pull the bag out again.  If you do, then chuck the bag and all its contents!  Don't donate it though, no one should be eating this stuff!  YOU MUST STAY COMPLETELY CLEAN during that six weeks, or all will be for not and you won't be able to tell if the diet is working!

If you have questions, please email me, I would happily help you get started.  Everyone deserves health and wellness.  The way you eat and the products you use make a significant difference in yours and your loved ones overall well being!  I'll talk more about products, Zija and Melaleuca soon.

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The First Post - For the past two years I have performed countless hours of research to do anything and everything possible to help my son, who is living with ADHD, be more happy, productive and healthy!  We currently use a very strict daily routine... Wake at 630a seven days a week, Zija SuperMix with a high protein/no artificial additives meals and snacks all day, running to focus brains and reduce wiggles for 30 minutes every day, chores, homework, piano and bed by 8p.  Being in third grade with social emotional issues is NO FUN!  But, with the very recent addition of Adderall XR 5mg daily at 820a (just before school starts to experience the most benefit to my son, his teacher and peers), school life has become a little more bearable.  Although, a most recent miscalculation of scheduling left us without our morning Zija for five days.  Now we are seeing the ticks and loss of appetite the medication disclaimer described.  And getting to sleep at bed time is impossible and allergy symptoms are miserable.  Thank God we are back on Zija in the morning. 

So, this summer please join us on our continued journey to get my family to Go All Natural.